Download Awala

Awala itself is just a platform to run other apps, so you still need other apps like Letro to make the most of it.

You can use Awala Ping to test Awala with and without access to the Internet.

We're also planning to publish Awala on F-Droid to facilitate offline distribution. Stay tuned!

If you're a technical person looking for the source code, you'll find it on relaycorp/relaynet-gateway-android.

Install from the Play Store

By downloading, distributing or using Awala, you agree to abide by our terms of service.

We work hard not to let you down

We’re committed to the principles of freedom of speech, personal privacy, transparency and net neutrality. When you use Awala, you can be certain that there’s nothing dodgy going on behind the scenes: there’s no phoning home or pesky ads, and everything is end-to-end encrypted.

The best thing is that you don’t have to take our word for it: